20 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants and Their Care Tips


20 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants and Their Care Tips

Indoor air quality is a growing concern in our modern lives. Our indoor environments can often be filled with unseen impurities, from the chemicals emitted by household products to the pollutants that come from the outside world. But fear not! Nature is also one of the remarkable solutions. It's no secret to us that plants filter and purify the air we breathe. We are happy to introduce you to the top 20 indoor plants for air purification that have earned their rightful place as natural air purifiers. We're still going! We'll also share helpful care tips and place for them to sit so that you can create an optimal environment for your houseplants to grow.

Plants not only help us to remain physically and mentally fit thereby reducing stress to improve concentration but they also provide a touch of natural beauty to your space.

Through a process called phytoremediation, they can remove harmful toxins and release oxygen, turning our home filled with fresh air.

As we know that according to World Air Quality Report 2023, India’s ranking in terms of air pollution is quite high compared to other countries in the world. India’s capital New Delhi is the fourth most polluted city in the world. Some other cities of India that are also listed in the report repeatedly are Bhiwadi, Mumbai, Patna, Ghaziabad, Jaunpur, and many more. So introduce air-purifying plants to your loving home to enhance its look and improve air quality.

How Plants Cleanse Our Environment

Plants act as living filters, absorbing gases and microscopic particles from the surroundings. Through small pores on their leaves known as stomata, plants take in numerous airborne contaminants at the same time as they take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and emit oxygen.

Once inside the plant, these pollutants undergo intricate metabolic processes that break them down or convert them into less dangerous chemicals. Thus refilling the air with pure, new oxygen. A healthier living environment and better indoor air quality are benefits of this peaceful coexistence of plants and the surroundings.

Some airborne contaminants include:

  • Formaldehyde is known to cause respiratory issues and eye, nose, and throat discomfort.
  • Benzene increases cancer risk and affects the immune system.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) trigger allergies, worsen asthma symptoms and cause lung damage.

List of 20 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants 

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant adds a touch of elegance with modern planter to any space with long, arching leaves adorned with green and white stripes.

Superpower: It has an exceptional ability to effectively removes formaldehyde and xylene from the air.

Care tips: Place them in bright, indirect light. Also, Keep soil evenly moist i.e., they don’t like to be too dry or too wet. 

Best Place: Ideal for hanging baskets or placed on shelves or tabletops.

Hanging Spider Plant: Arching green and white striped foliage

2. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily showcases glossy, dark green leaves and stunning white flowers. 

Superpower: Known to filter benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Care tips: Water when the soil is slightly dry, and provide medium to low light. They are delicate to the typical chemicals in tap water.

Best Place: Ideal for bedrooms, living rooms, dinning table set or areas with low humidity.

Elegant Peace Lily: White flower amidst dark green leaves

3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

The Snake Plant boasts tall, upright leaves with striking patterns, making it visually appealing to your interior.

Superpower: Absorbs toxins like benzene and formaldehyde. Releases oxygen at night.

Care Tips: Tolerates low light conditions to direct light and prefers infrequent watering.

Best Place: Perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, or offices as it tolerates various light conditions.

Striking Snake Plant: Dark green leaves with yellow edges

4. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)

The Aloe Vera plant features thick, succulent leaves with a gel-like substance inside and serrated edges that has various medicinal properties.

Superpower: Clears formaldehyde and benzene from the air. Releases oxygen at night, improving air quality while we sleep.

Care tips: Water deeply but allow the soil to dry, place in bright, indirect light.

Best Place: Suitable for kitchens, living rooms, balconies, or any area with ample sunlight.

Aloe Vera plants with thick, succulent leaves

5. Dragon Tree (Dracaena Marginata)

Dragon trees come in attractive look with slender, green sword-like, red-edged leaves.

Superpower: This tree acts as a superhero for us by removing benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene. 

Care Tips: Provide bright, indirect light and pot them in well-draining soil.

Best Place: Perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, or any well-lit spot.

Dragon Tree with its spiky, narrow leaves with reddish edges

6.Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Boston Fern has feathery, delicate fronds. Plants may be quickly damaged by fluctuations in growing conditions.

Superpower: Removes formaldehyde and xylene and acts as a natural air humidifier, releasing moisture. 

Care Tips: Thanks to their tolerance to bright, indirect light and high humidity. Mist the leaves regularly.

Best Place: Ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, or any area with higher humidity levels.

Boston Fern with delicate, feathery fronds

7. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy is a trailing vine with small, lush, green lobed leaves, adding a touch of natural beauty.

Superpower: Helps combat mold and reduces airborne fecal matter.

Care tips: Grow this cascading vine in bright, indirect light and prefers evenly moist soil.

Best Place: Ideal for hanging baskets, bookshelves, or areas with less direct sunlight.

English Ivy: Small green and cream lobed leaves.

8. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Rubber Plant showcases large, glossy leaves in dark green or burgundy that add a touch of drama to your space.

Superpower: This classic Plant is best for removing formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air.

Care Tips: You can grow this plant by placing them in bright, indirect light and water moderately.

Best Place: Suitable for living rooms, offices, or areas with moderate lighting.

Rubber Plant have large, shiny dark green leaves

9. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

This indoor-grown houseplant is tall, slender stems with dense green foliage.

Superpower: This beautiful plant eliminates formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.

Care tips: Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, they like bright, indirect light.

Best Place: Ideal for living room, near a window with filtered sunlight.

Bamboo Palm featuring multiple slender, feathery fronds

10. Philodendron (Philodendron)

Philodendrons give a stunning look with heart-shaped leaves in various shades of green.

Superpower: Filters out formaldehyde from the air, improving indoor air quality.

Care Tips: Usually grown in medium to low light conditions and prefers regular watering.

Best Place: Suitable for hanging baskets or placed on shelves in living rooms or offices.

Philodendron with heart-shaped leaves that are deep glossy green

11. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema spp.)

Chinese Evergreen plants show stunning variegated leaves with patterns of green, silver, or pink. These houseplants have narrow, large, and glossy oval leaves.

Superpower: Filters out toxins including formaldehyde and benzene.

Care Tips: Thrives in low to moderate light conditions and prefers slightly moist soil.

Best Place: Suitable for offices, bedrooms, or any area with low light levels.

Chinese Evergreen plant with broad leaves in shades of green, silver, and cream

12. Janet Craig (Dracaena deremensis)

Janet Craig is a compact, upright plant with dark green, glossy leaves.

Superpower: Removes airborne toxins like formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

Care Tips: Place in moderate to low light conditions and known for low water needs.

Best Place: Great for a spot close to the window. 

Janet Craig plant with dark green, strap-like smooth and glossy leaves

13. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

The Golden Pothos is a trailing vine with heart-shaped leaves in vibrant shades of green and gold. You may also call them Money plants.

Superpower: The Golden Pothos acts as a natural hero, effectively removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.

Care Tips: Thrives in low to medium light conditions and prefers not to sit in wet soil

Best Place: Perfect for hanging baskets or placed on shelves in kitchens, living rooms, or offices.

Golden Pothos plant with heart-shaped leaves

14. Broad Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa):

Lady Palm features delicate, fan-shaped fronds. It is known for its dense, bushy appearance adding superb look for your minimalist home.

Superpower: Thanks for its excellent air purifying power including formaldehyde, ammonia, and xylene.

Care Tips: Requires bright, indirect light and appreciates high humidity levels.

Best Place: Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, or any area but avoid exposing them to direct sunlight.

Broad Lady Palm has fan-shaped, deep green leaves with multiple leaflets

15. Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina):

The weeping Fig is a tree-like plant that adds an elegant touch to our home styling. It has slender branches and glossy, pointed leaves.

Superpower: This houseplant is excellent at filtering formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene from the air.

Care Tips: Thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can lead to leaf burn. Ensure proper drainage and prune occasionally.

Best Place: Ideal for placing near a north-facing or east-facing window.

Weeping Fig tree with drooping branches and small, pointed that are dark green

16. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia):

The ZZ Plant is a popular choice among us due to its easy care. It attracts us with glossy, dark green leaves that have a smooth and waxy texture. Surprisingly leaves grow in a feather-like pattern.

Superpower: The ZZ Plant is known for its resilience making it an excellent option for removing formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene. 

Care Tips: This easy care plant can tolerate low to bright indirect light. Allow them to enjoy well-draining soil.

Best Place: They add greater addition to different locations in the home.

ZZ Plant with thick, glossy leaves that are dark green

17. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii):

Gerbera Daisies have a daisy-like look with radiating petals. They are vibrant flowering plants with large, colourful blooms and the best thing is that you can choose them in a variety of shades, including red, pink, orange, yellow, and white. Add extra touch to your space by incorporating these flowers and artfully arranging them in beautiful vases.

Superpower: These majestic houseplants improve indoor air quality by removing benzene and formaldehyde. 

Care Tips: This daisy loves direct light so you can place it in the backyard but the good thing is that it can also grow in bright, indirect light indoors. Also, keep the soil evenly moist.

Best Place: Add cheers to areas such as a sunny living room, kitchen, or study room, where their blooms can add a cheerful touch to you.

Gerbera Daisy flower in shades of red, pink, orange, or yellow

18. Calathea Pinstripe (Calathea ornata):

This tropical Indoor houseplant is known for its attractive pattern. Large, elongated leaves with bold, dark green stripes and a contrasting pinkish-purple underside give it an attractive appearance. 

Superpower: These houseplants aid in the removal of formaldehyde and benzene.

Care Tips: These like to sit in slightly moist soil and be placed in medium to low light conditions. Additionally, avoid exposure to cold temperatures.

Best Place: I will suggest they enjoy near a north-facing or east-facing window. It is a good choice for bedrooms, living rooms, or offices. 

Striking Calathea Pinstripe foliage

19. Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum spp.):

Chrysanthemums are daisy-like blooming plants. It is well-known for its stunning blossoms. Fall in love with stunning flowers that come in different lovely colors, ranging from pure white to yellow, pink, and purple. Some of them have single or double flowers. You can add these blooming flowers with some planters to give exceptional stylish look.

Superpower: They help remove toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia.

Care Tips: It does best in bright, indirect light and regular watering. Avoid overwatering.

Best Place: Best place to sit them is near a window where they can receive ample sunlight. Suitable for sunny living room, kitchen, or balcony. 

Stunning chrysanthemum flowers

20. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) 

Ponytail Palm features a thick, bulbous trunk that stores water. It has dark green long and slender, arching leaves cascading downward, resembling a ponytail.

Superpower: Excellent capacity to remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Care Tips: Ponytail Palms thrive in bright, indirect light. Place them near a sunny window and have a unique water-storing trunk.

Best Place: The best place to keep a Ponytail Palm is near a bright, sunny window where it can receive indirect sunlight for several hours a day.

Lush ponytail palm houseplant

Final Thoughts

Incorporating air-purifying indoor houseplants into our living space is a fantastic way to boost air quality while adding beauty and freshness to our home. We have highlighted 15 of the best air-purifying indoor plants that are well-suited for various environments. So, go ahead and bring nature indoors while enjoying the numerous benefits these plants have to offer.

To ensure the well-being of these plants regular maintenance such as pruning, fertilising, and protecting them from drafts or extreme temperatures is essential. It is necessary to consider the best place for each plant within your home. 


Q1. Are pets safe with air-purifying indoor plants?

Ans. Although most air-purifying indoor plants are safe for pets, some species can be toxic to cats and dogs if consumed.

Q2.What is the most effective indoor plant for purifying the air?

Ans. Chrysanthemums are one of the best-known air-purifying indoor plants.

Q3. What are some low-maintenance indoor plants that clean the air?

Ans. Snake Plants, Peace Lilies, Spider plants, and Aloe vera are typically a few of the low-maintenance indoor plants that are effective in cleaning the air.